Rotten Tomatoes – Your Opinion Sucks SDCC 2018

Rotten Tomatoes – Your Opinion Sucks SDCC 2018

I received a Facebook message from a member of the casting department to apply to be on the Rotten Tomatoes panel at SDCC 2018. I submitted 2 videos as requested, and received a phone call a few days prior to SDCC to see if I was still interested in going on. I gladly accepted and cannot wait for this event! Check back for some photos of the event after comic-con!

My opinion on Wonder Woman film:
Everyone loved this movie that I know. I could not get into the story arc/telling of this film. For me, it felt like an eternity to get into anything worth paying attention to. How the story was told and brought to the screen, didn’t excite or hold my attention for long. Wonder Woman is supposed to be a bad-ass superheroine, and the movie only gave her a short time period to really show her true powers and abilities. I’m all for “girl power” and having female superheroine role models, this just wasn’t it. Now Gal is a GORGEOUS actress and when she is in the suit, she IS Wonder Woman, I just feel the entire plot did her wrong. I feel it could’ve been done a lot better. To me it feels like a whole another “Steve Rogers” coming back to life situation.

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